Ev is retiring this spring. She has touched countless lives and Adler Graduate School is excited to announce a newly created scholarship fund in honor of Ev’s 30-plus years of service. 

We all know the power of gentle encouragement, practical support, and resources for someone who is starting a new career path. For more than 30 years, Ev Haas has made a difference in the lives of Adler Graduate School’s students and alumni, always with a smile and a can-do attitude. She has been there for students struggling with the challenges of graduate school and has supported alumni as they sought licensure and established successful private practices.  

Ev is retiring this spring. She has touched countless lives and Adler Graduate School is excited to announce a newly created scholarship fund in honor of Ev’s 30-plus years of service. 

Ev is a 2nd generation American with her grandparents having immigrated from Italy and Austria. Her mother’s generation had high school education, and yet not only did Ev and her 12 cousins graduate with bachelor’s degrees, but all also went on to obtain graduate degrees with careers including doctors, teachers, a federal judge and many more… Ev herself is an alumna of AGS and wants to continue to help others achieve their dreams of pursuing a graduate education, become mental health professionals, and contribute to the wellness of their communities.

This scholarship will give first-generation graduate students financial assistance to achieve their educational goals. We’d like to invite you to be part of the Adlerian tradition of facilitating change and contributing to the community by helping these scholarship recipients reach their potential. 

If you would like to honor Ev for her contributions and support these special future students, we invite you to join us by making a tax-deductible contribution to: Evelyn Haas Scholarship Fund. Whether you give $5.00 or $5,000, 100% of your donation will impact the lives of scholarship recipients.

If you have any questions and would like more information about the scholarship fund, please contact Sherry K. Anderson at sherry.anderson@alfredadler.edu.  And please join us for Ev’s retirement party on June 22nd.

Recent Donations

Total raised as of 5/31 = $1,300